Pickleball Doubles Ranking System Basics
Doubles players are ranked individually, not as a team. This system is based on your best countable wins during a 2-year season period. Only up to the top 15 counted wins count toward rankings, other wins are dropped, but all losses count slightly against you as you try to beat better players.
So, it is participation based, but someone playing many matches doesn’t keep getting the same participation points, it becomes more about quality of the win, not quantity.
In its calculations, it takes into consideration two, 2-year seasons, for a total of 4 years of matches. For each match win, it takes the average doubles ranking of the 2 opponents to determine the team’s rank.
Then uses a chart to determine the point value for beating a team with that ranking. The point chart starts at 500 points for beating the #1 ranked team and goes down from there.
When you lose, it also uses the chart to get a loss point value. The higher the rank of the team you lose to, the lower loss penalty is received.
For example, losing to the top team will only cost 0.1 points, while losing to the 200th ranked team costs 0.5 points.
To determine the base ranking, it uses the following formula: Sum of best countable wins / (# counted wins + loss points).
After each tournament, new rankings run will be calculated.
Each new calculation starts with previous ranks of all the players, then goes back through all old matches, adds in new matches, and recalculates new ranking positions for the season.
Each new rankings run is dependent of the previous calculation, the more match data and rankings runs, the more accurate the rankings become!