APT New Rankings System:

New Doubles Pickleball Rankings

The Eisemann Group Real Estate Professionals and R2Sports are excited to announce the creation of a new ranking system for Pickleball on the R2Sports platform. The base system is currently used by College Tennis, Bowling and Racquetball.

Our team consulted with many top players and directors in the sports and created a custom ranking algorithm for Pickleball that uniquely addresses the concerns and dilemmas of past ranking systems.

As tournament directors we’ve discussed match results with players and how to best use the stats, so our team initiated this rating system, mostly to help seed tournaments in R2Sports and as a way of giving back to the Pickleball community.

Pickleball Rankings System Sponsored by The Eisemann Group

  • Richard & Vicky Eisemann are avid Pickleball Enthusiasts and have been tournaments directors for over 4 years. They are Realtors in the Greater Dallas Area and wanted to give back to the Pickleball Community in some small way.
  • With 4 years of tournament data, they decided to bring this dynamic ranking system to the Amateur Pickleball Community.
  • Tournament Directors can use this as a resource to help seed tournaments and all match history is available for public view.
  • If you would like more information on how to load your tournament results or to become a sponsor on our Ranking page, click her to Contact Us.

Pickleball Doubles Ranking System Basics

Doubles players are ranked individually, not as a team. This system is based on your best countable wins during a 2-year season period. Only up to the top 15 counted wins count toward rankings, other wins are dropped, but all losses count slightly against you as you try to beat better players.

So, it is participation based, but someone playing many matches doesn’t keep getting the same participation points, it becomes more about quality of the win, not quantity.

In its calculations, it takes into consideration two, 2-year seasons, for a total of 4 years of matches. For each match win, it takes the average doubles ranking of the 2 opponents to determine the team’s rank.

Then uses a chart to determine the point value for beating a team with that ranking. The point chart starts at 500 points for beating the #1 ranked team and goes down from there.

When you lose, it also uses the chart to get a loss point value. The higher the rank of the team you lose to, the lower loss penalty is received.

For example, losing to the top team will only cost 0.1 points, while losing to the 200th ranked team costs 0.5 points.

To determine the base ranking, it uses the following formula: Sum of best countable wins / (# counted wins + loss points).

After each tournament, new rankings run will be calculated.

Each new calculation starts with previous ranks of all the players, then goes back through all old matches, adds in new matches, and recalculates new ranking positions for the season.

Each new rankings run is dependent of the previous calculation, the more match data and rankings runs, the more accurate the rankings become!

Bonus Point Features:

  • Tiered Tournament Multiplier
  • Age Differential Bonus
  • Team Familiarity Bonus
  • Skill Level Multipliers

Tiered Tournament Multiplier

  • Tier 1: Tournaments over 200 players are given a higher multiplier of 1.15.
  • Tier 2: Tournaments under 200 players, which are multi day have a multiplier of 1.1.
  • Tier 3: 2-day tournaments with under 200 players do not have a multiplier.
The higher the Tier, the more important the tournament, the multiplier allows for a higher point value that can be achieved.

Age Differential Bonus

Every match will take your team’s average age and subtract it with your opponent’s average age. If the older team wins, there is a 1-point bonus for every 5 year age gap.

We all know it is a little harder when we get older to beat the faster young guns who tend to hit a little harder, this gives the older players a slight bump in the rankings! (My favorite feature).

Team Familiarity Bonus

It is assumed that partners who play together frequently have better chemistry on the court. When your top 5 or more best wins are with the same partner, bonus points are awarded for playing together.

Receive 1 point for 5 wins, up to 5 points if all 15 of the best wins are with the same partner.

Skill Level Multipliers

The division you enter matters.

5.0 skill level divisions are assigned up to a 1.15 multiplier, down to the first timers division which is assigned a 0.85 multiplier.

In pool play divisions, the playoff bracket will have a slightly higher multiplier.

Rankings Summary

Each time the rankings are run, a new run summary is generated. This will show the reason every player has their specific ranking.
  • How will this system help prevent Sandbagging?
  • Smart intelligent based rankings AI
  • Why are better players ranked lower?
  • How many Doubles ranking types are there?

How will this system help prevent Sandbagging?

The ranking system is based on your best countable wins during a ranking season.

A player in a lower division who continues to beat lower ranked players will not increase their ranking once they have 15 wins, they can only lose ranking by losing.

They are incentivized to move up to a higher division to earn higher points against better skilled players.

Each time you lose you are slightly penalized, and the better player you lose against you are penalized less.

But a higher ranked player who drops to a lower division and loses to a lower ranked player is penalized more.

Smart intelligent based rankings AI

If a team you have beat in the past moves up in rankings later in the season, it helps you as well as the rankings are re-calculated after every tournament.

For example, say you beat a team ranked #50 in January.

Then when rankings are run in March, that same team you beat back in January is now ranked #20.

Well, now when the rankings are run in March, you now get points credit for beating the player back in January as though he was ranked #20 at the time.

So that past win is now worth more points, because that player was really a better player than he/she was ranked at the time of the match.

So, rankings of players are always being intelligently adjusted to achieve the best results!

Why are better players ranked lower?

Currently this is based on cumulative wins and some players have only played 1 or 2 of my tournaments, so they don’t have enough wins yet.

As you play more of these tournaments and reach 15 wins over 4 years this will begin to shape up.

If you play more than 15, your worst match wins against lower ranked players will begin to drop off.

Currently the great players who have a lower ranking will undoubtedly have less match wins added into their totals but will move up as they play more tournaments.

How many Doubles ranking types are there?

There are 4 ranking types:
You will have a rating for your gender and for Mixed and they will likely be very different.
Click on the links above to view the Doubles Pickleball Rankings!

Click here for the Main Rankings Page

Where will I find this system?

Glad you asked! Here at the All Pickleball Tournaments website.

You will be able to see all the ratings of everyone that has ever played in one of my tournaments (including the Military Pickleball Association Tournament in AZ).

If you have a tournament coming up and you want to check out someone you will be playing, you can click on their name and see everyone they beat and every team they lost to.

You can see your # of Wins and Losses and your Win %.

When you click on someone’s name, all of their wins and losses will show up including the scores.

Lastly, it isn’t perfect but it sure is nice to have as a resource for players. As tournaments are loaded, it will get better and better.

We will hopefully be working on a way for other tournaments to upload their results in the future.

I love the sophistication of this rankings system, it is quite detailed and specific to our sport.

